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"Dreams in Paradise"


The research center CEIMM produces soap operas to fight gender-based violence.

A man typing on a keyboard in front of a microphone.A man typing on a keyboard in front of a microphone.

In the heart of the autonomous region on the northern Caribbean coast of Nicaragua, in the municipality of Siuna, a building at URACCAN University fills with a lively symphony of voices. Here, people from various indigenous groups, including Miskitas, Mayangnas, Creoles, and Mestizos, warm up their voices and practice lines in anticipation of a recording.

Breaking barriers

CEIMM is a research center dedicated to promoting equality and diversity, as well as combating gender-based violence in Nicaragua. Established in 2002, the center is located at URACCAN, the first intercultural university in Latin America.

CEIMM aims to address the diverse needs and challenges faced by communities along the Caribbean coast. They collaborate with various municipalities, including Bluefields, Bilwi, Nueva Guinea, and Siuna, offering various courses and workshops both on and off the university campus.

Despite having a modest team, CEIMM explores innovative ways to convey their research to reach a broad audience. An example of this is the use of radio and TV.

"Dreams in Paradise"

As we enter the studio in August 2023, we are met with an expectant atmosphere. The preparations for the recording of the first episode of the radio drama "Dreams in Paradise" are now in the final stages. This represents the culmination of months of dedicated research conducted by CEIMM, focusing on challenges related to violence, gender dynamics, and interculturality.

The goal is not only to entertain but also to educate and raise awareness about violence prevention based on lived experiences from different local communities.

Tinniska, playing the main character, says the women in her local community can identify with the situations and challenges portrayed in the radio drama:

The initiative "Dreams in Paradise" is part of a project supported by SAIH. Together with several other initiatives, we aim, in collaboration with CEIMM, to raise awareness among the new generation of students and academics regarding gender-based violence.

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