F for Freedom
In exams and assignments students areassessedwith A to E for pass. F for Fail. In otherwords, F is dreaded by all students. F can make it more difficultto progress in your studies, in yourcareer, in life. For many students F can be thedifferencebetween a good, or a difficultlife.
In manycountries student activism is under attack. Students experienceoppression by beingfailed in theexam, expelled from university or imprisonment.
Still, many student activists risk theirfuturetofight for whattheybelievein.Becausetheyknowit'stheonlythingthatwillgetthemthe most important F ofthem all.
The onewhich stands for Freedom.
Stories that Give F
In many countries, student activism is under attack. Amir, Anna and Boris are all student activists who have been threatened with failure for their engagement. But their main F is about something much bigger than grades. These students are risking everything to fight for what they believe in.
F for frihet
This year marks the tenth anniversary of the Student at Risk program, which protects student activists at a time when their fight for rights is more important than ever. To mark the anniversary, we're highlighting young human rights defenders.
Our latest report “Activism under attack” reveals that student activism is under attack, with higher education authorities threatening to fail, suspend or expel activists.
Stories that Give F is a small sample of what students face when they stand up for our universal human rights. The report gives a clear picture of the challenges these young activists face and emphasizes how important it is that we stand together to protect their rights!