Our members
SAIH is a democratic member organization consisting of 44 organizations in Norway. Together we form an engaged community that works to improve the conditions for education and development globally. Learn more about who they are and why they have chosen to become part of SAIH.
Universitetet i Oslo
Studentorganisasjonen ved Universitetet i Agder
Oslo Met – Storbyuniversitetet
Universitetet i Agder
Studenttinget ved Høgskolen i Molde
Studenttinget ved NMBU
Erasmus Student Network
Fellesorganisasjonen (FO)
Studentorganisasjonen ved Høgskolen Innlandet
Studenttinget ved Høgskulen på Vestlandet

Why you should
join SAIH
1. Become part of an engaged community of key actors within higher education in Norway.
2. Get the right to vote and the power to influence which issues SAIH should address.
3. Take part in the fight for higher education and academic freedom globally.
Do you have questions about SAIH membership?
Get in touch with our organizational advisor,Marthe Jæger Tangen by email: marthe.tangen@saih.no.