
More often than not, “making-of ” queer stories are characterised by experiences of hardship and pain, of rejection and discrimination. But the stories in this anthology, though sometimes difficult to confront, all come with messages of hope.
While some are deeply personal stories of self-discovery and acceptance, others chart the challenges LGBTIQ rights groups face in discriminatory environments. Common to all is the dreams for a better tomorrow.
Queer and ally artists bring each story to life with original illustrations. The result is a beautiful archive and powerful anthology of resilience.
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Hopes and dreams that sound like yours. - Stories of queer activism in Sub-Saharan Africa.

GALA Queer Archive
GALA is one of the oldest LGBT organizations in Africa. It was founded in 1997 to address the lack of LGBTIQ+ stories and experiences in official, established archives and museums in South Africa. In the years since then, the scope of GALAs work has expanded to include a range of activities such as youth and education work, exhibitions and publishing.
With support from SAIH, GALA works to increase knowledge and dialogue about sexual orientation and gender identity at higher education institutions in South Africa, through gatherings, workshops and support for relevant research projects.
Hopes and Dreams is made possible with support from SAIH.