Welcome to SAIHs fall gathering 2024!

Welcome to SAIHs fall gathering, September 20-22!
The gathering takes place at the beautiful Strandheim Leirsted, a short buss ride away from Oslo. Here, activists and members from all over the country gather for a weekend filled with educational input, political schooling, activism, and lots of fun.
SAIH's summer camp is open to local chapter activists, student democracies and other members of SAIH. Remember to sign up by September 8th!
Participation at the gathering is free for all members and local chapters.
This includes food and accommodation. SAIH covers accommodation for up to two local chapter activists. If you want to send more participants and you think this is something that helps to strengthen the activity locally, you can consider using Frifond to cover travel for other participants.
Other members have to cover their own travel expenses.
We encourage everyone to travel in the most environmentally friendly way possible.
Practical information about travel and the program will be sent individually to all participants who sign up. If you have any questions before then, please don’t hesitate to contact us via email:
Deadline to sign up is Sunday September 8th.