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Call for nominations for The Student Peace Prize

Student Peace Prize is awarded every other year, and the process of selecting the winner for 2013 is already in motion. The Nomination Deadline is set to 15th of April, 2012. A winner of The Student Peace Prize must have done important work to promote peace, democracy or human rights. The Nominations Committee will select nominations fulfilling these criteria, which are set forth by the Statutes of Student Peace Prize. After carefully selecting the candidates that are most applicable to the criteria, the nominations committee gathers information and produces a thorough report on each of them. These reports are then handed over to the Student Peace Prize Committee.

A nominations committee is formed and will consider all nominations they receive. Anyone can nominate persons or organizations for the prize by sending their suggestion and reasoning to the committee. The committee will accept suggestions for the Student Peace Prize 2013 until April 15th 2012.

The Student Peace Prize Committee is the final decision maker in the process. This committee consists of representatives of the Norwegian students and a selection of different significant and experienced personalities from a broad range of professions and backgrounds. In the fall 2013 they will decide upon the Student Peace Prize winner based on the reports produced by the Nomination Committee.

more: http://www.studentpeaceprize.org/articles/7?tab=home

Nyheter som engasjerer i kampen for utdanningsrettferdighet

a group of students are walking down a set of stairs .a group of students are walking down a set of stairs .


Velkommen til høstsamling 2024

Velkommen til SAIHs Høstsamling 2024 den 20. – 22 september!

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Vacant position: Program advisor Latin America

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Vil du være med på SAIHs høstkampanje?

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Avkolonisert bistand fra teori til praksis

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Revidert statsbudsjett 2024: Utdanning er et nødvendig verktøy for demokrati.

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En person som prater inn i en megafonEn person som prater inn i en megafon