Ingrid Thokoane (20), Sør-Afrika
(image) I study accounting because I have loved it since high school. I love numbers and financial plans.
My aim for the future is to become a chartered accountant and work for one of the big firms: Deloitte, PWC or KPMG. I plan to work here in South Africa for a while first and then maybe a few years abroad before I return here. I hope to be married by the time I am 26 or 27, and have my first child at 28. I want three children at the most. I also plan to become a partner in a law firm, and eventually minister of finance. I believe there would be more order with women in power. I consider myself a mild feminist – I do not dislike men. In South Africa many men are scared of losing power to women, one of the reasons this fear is strong is the traditional way of life and thinking, the patriarchal tradition. The South African laws have to be wide enough to accommodate all the different people, so there is, for example, no law against bigamy.
The reason I first volunteered the CSA was because I wanted to give something back. Accounting is quite a prestigious career, and I didn’t want to limit myself to those spheres. Volunteering makes me feel good about myself. As a student myself, I really want to be able to get through to students with a message about HIV/AIDS: “let’s do something about it!”More agents of change / Flere endringsaktører finner du her