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Introducing: SAIH's Information Committee

The Information Committee 2017-2018 was elected at SAIH’s Annual Meeting in April and started working after the summer holiday. But what is it that the information committee is actually doing? And who are they?

SAIH’s annual Fall Gathering is getting closer and closer and this means more and more work for the Information Committee and the Executive Committee. At the fall gathering approximately 80 activists will gather at Strandheim Leirsenter in Nærsnes for a weekend full of trainings, workshops and fun activities. Here they will learn more about the work SAIH is doing both nationally and internationally and get an insight into the campaigns that will be carried out this period. At the gathering we will have a specific focus on the World’s Best News campaign which will take place later in September. 

The Information Committee is the most comprehensive voluntary position in SAIH, and we work closely with the Executive Committee in performing daily tasks and responsibilities of SAIH. We hang out at the central office a lot, where we socialize and mingle with the important people, and constantly try to stay on top of all the weird stuff we’re asked to do. Such as maintaining contact with SAIH’s member organizations, being minute-takers at board meetings, helping out with National Council meetings, assisting with information and advocacy work, and much more. This also includes organizing national gatherings, and we have been working for a long time with the fall gathering to make a weekend that brings all the local chapters and some of our member organizations and Students at Risk students together.

The Information Committee consists of:


Building a stronger organization

A weekend for all of SAIH is not only a possibility to learn about SAIH and our work. It is also important for building a stronger organization that works towards mutual goals. The member organizations and local chapters are the building blocks on which SAIH is built and throughout the weekend with workshops and discussions, we will not only get to know SAIH even better, but also plan for campaigns that will take place this fall and activities that will be carried out all over Norway. And off course, while doing all of this, also get to know each other better and have some fun.

The last days before the Fall Gathering are busy for the information committee. We are putting a final touch upon the program for the weekend, making sure that everyone knows where we are going and finally going shopping for snacks and refreshments that we can enjoy throughout the weekend. We are going to learn, have fun and make new friends. We hope that this is only the start for a lot of the people attending when it comes to being activists and defending the rights of students and academics worldwide.

We are SO looking forwards to seeing you, and we hope the gathering will be great! 😊

Kaia, Sunniva, Ingrid & Innocent

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a group of students are walking down a set of stairs .a group of students are walking down a set of stairs .


Velkommen til høstsamling 2024

Velkommen til SAIHs Høstsamling 2024 den 20. – 22 september!

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Vacant position: Program advisor Latin America

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Vacant position: Program advisor southern Africa

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Vil du være med på SAIHs høstkampanje?

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Avkolonisert bistand fra teori til praksis

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En person som prater inn i en megafonEn person som prater inn i en megafon