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Myanmar students return to universities

The universities closed as part of a broad crackdown on dissent after May 30 clashes between pro-government groups and Suu Kyi's supporters."Students are peacefully attending classes," an education ministry official told Reuters on Monday.Universities have traditionally been centres of support for the pro-democracy movement and regarded with suspicion by authorities since a 1988 student-led uprising which was brutally crushed by the military.Suu Kyi has been detained at undisclosed locations for more than two weeks, despite mounting calls from the international community for her release.Dozens of exiled Myanmar dissidents demonstrated outside the Myanmar embassy in neighbouring Thailand on Monday, urging the international community to pressure the junta to release her.Around 100 people stamped on signs bearing the names of the regime's leaders and carried placards with anti-junta slogans.Myanmar Foreign Minister Win Aung, in Cambodia for a regional security meeting, said on Sunday that Suu Kyi would be released as soon as the situation in the country returned to normal, but gave no time limit.A UN envoy allowed to visit her last week said the Nobel peace laureate - whose National League for Democracy party won 1990 elections but was denied power - had not been harmed in the May 30 clash north of the capital near Mandalay.The junta says four people were killed in the violence and some 50 injured. Exiled dissidents say they believe dozens of Suu Kyi's followers were killed by club-wielding pro-government thugs and hundreds injured.

Nyheter som engasjerer i kampen for utdanningsrettferdighet

a large group of people are posing for a picture .a large group of people are posing for a picture .


Vintersamling 2025

Den beste helgen i februar nærmer seg – SAIHs vintersamling 2025! Vintersamling er en ypperlig måte å bli bedre kjent med organisasjonen på gjennom en god blanding av kreative workshops, interessante diskusjoner, aktivisme og morsomme aktiviteter. Ikke minst blir du kjent med andre engasjerte mennesker fra hele Norge og verden!

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a fist is holding a pencil in front of a flag .a fist is holding a pencil in front of a flag .


Støtt akademikere og studenter i Gaza

Innsamlingsaksjon for akademikere og studenter i Gaza.

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a globe is sitting on a stand on a white background .a globe is sitting on a stand on a white background .


Spennende mulighet: 'Youth Exchange Against Anti-Rights'

SAIH søker nyutdannede og unge fagfolk til å delta i det internasjonale utvekslingsprosjektet ‘Youth Exchange Against Anti-Rights’. Prosjektet innebærer et ettårig utvekslingsprogram mellom Sør-Afrika, Myanmar/Thailand og Norge, hvor deltakerne skal forske på rettighetskrenkende krefter som påvirker marginaliserte grupper, og bidra til påvirkningsarbeid for å motvirke disse kreftene.

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the white house is surrounded by trees and bushes and has a fountain in front of it .the white house is surrounded by trees and bushes and has a fountain in front of it .


Når autoritære ledere lokker

SAIH frykter at fremveksten av autoritære ledere de siste årene, og en eventuell ny valgseier for Trump, betyr at demokratienes gullalder er forbi.

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a group of people are standing in a line holding sticks and ribbons .a group of people are standing in a line holding sticks and ribbons .


Hva står på spill på COP16 i Colombia?

Koblingen mellom naturvern og urfolks rettsvern er åpenbar og direkte. Urfolks kulturelle overlevelse avhenger av naturmangfoldet der de bor.

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a man holding a flag that says union on ita man holding a flag that says union on it


El Activismo Bajo Ataque

¡Este año celebramos el décimo aniversario del programa Estudiantes en Riesgo (StAR)!

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En person med munnbind og solbriller. Basert på bakgrunnen skjønner vi at denne personen deltar i en demostrasjonEn person med munnbind og solbriller. Basert på bakgrunnen skjønner vi at denne personen deltar i en demostrasjon
En person som prater inn i en megafonEn person som prater inn i en megafon