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Ombudsman for corporate social responsibility


The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Norwegian Ministry of Trade and Industry

The Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg

Parliamentary leaders for the political parties and the foreign affairs committee in Parliament

Increased globalization of the economy leads to the need for regulation in new areas. Transnational companies operate without the necessary monitoring and control. SAIH demands that an independent ombudsman is established, which can react when companies do not act responsibly.

The Norwegian companies engagement in Western Sahara illustrate that there is a lack of control since the businesses defies both recommendations from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Law. The businesses continue legitimating Morocco’s occupation through their activity. When Norwegian authorities do not prioritize to stop the business activities which are undoubtedly in violation with the Human Rights, it is a sign that insufficient efforts have been made to respond to the situation.

When a Norwegian company directly or indirectly contribute to human rights violations, it is possible to issue a complaint to the national point of contact for OECDs guidelines. Since 2002, the point of contact has considered 3 cases. In Europe the network “OECD Watch” question whether the system is at all functioning. To issue a complaint requires a lot of resources, and only in few cases has a complaint led to concessions and proven changes, and this is seemingly not deterrent for businesses. It is good sign that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs wants to strengthen the contact point both in terms of resources and independence, but SAIH believe that this is not enough. We need a fully independent ombudsman with full right to access business documents.

The government should create an ombudsman for corporate social responsibility in Norway. This ombudsman should ensure that cases are handled in a good professional and independent manner. The ombudsman will be able to initiate investigations, and with their conclusions contribute either to confirm suspicions or clear companies. The ombudsman will thus also be in the businesses interests because the companies will have an opportunity to clear their name.

An ombudsman will act as a strong signal to states that are engaged in human rights violations, and help to ensure that such states have increased incentives for democratic development. Access to education and freedom from discrimination are then included centrally.

SAIH demands that the government create an independent ombudsman for corporate social responsibility with the right of access business documents.

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