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The Vanguard alert

ZINASU notes with dismay the systematic targetting of key figures of the students movement by clandestine state agents,brutally torture and intimidate them in a futile effort to thwart efforts by students to regain their dignity through the defending academic freedoms in Zimbabwe project.Last month and this month alone more than ten student leaders were subjected to one form of intimidation or another.

ln Masvingo more than twenty two students were arrested for demonstration against the exorbitant fees with the ZINASU vice president Gideon Chitanga and lnformation and Publicity Secretary Sobala Moyo being taken out of the examination rooms,taken to police stations where they were thoroughly beaten being accused of working for Tony Blair.

ln Harare ZINASU President Promise Mkwananzi,UZ President Tineyi Mukwewa,Secretary General Maureen Kademaunga,lnformation and Publicity Secreatry Zwelithini Viki, and Sambulo Mathema were all denied an opportunty to write their examinations for unclear reasons.

ln Bulawayo,more than thirty students were arrested and later put on remand to appear in court early next year for demonstrating against the said fees.Mehluli Dube ,the NUST Secretary Genaral was later abducted and received a brutal beating from unkown assailants who accused him and the students movement of working to unlawfully topple the government.Recently Blessed Vva ,the Bulawayo Poly SRC President was abducted and led towards Gwanda wher the unkown assailants brutally attacked him trying to co-erce him to quit.Thery made threats to his life if he did not abandon the students body.

ZINASU is aware that these machinations which come on the heels of ZANU PF `s attempts to unconstitutionally extend Mugabe`term of office,an issue which the students have vehemently opposed and promise to flood the streets in protest.The attacks are seen as desperate attempts by the government to silence all potential troublemakers .

The students movement will in spite of the real threats to the lives of the key cadres go ahead unpurtebed in protest against these illegal actions by Mugabe and his Cronies.The killing of individuals within the students and the broaedr democratic movements will not kill the spirits of the students as the students union is found on firm principles and values that go beyond individuals.

We abide by our students summit resolutions .

Promise Mkwananzi

PresidentZimbabwe National Students Union21 Wembly Road, Eastlea, Harare, Zimbabwe,0026391301231/ 002634788135zinasu@gmail.com

Nyheter som engasjerer i kampen for utdanningsrettferdighet

a group of people standing next to each other with their hands in the air .a group of people standing next to each other with their hands in the air .


Studentenes Fredspris 2025: IPEN hedres for sin kamp for akademisk frihet

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Vintersamling 2025

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Spennende mulighet: 'Youth Exchange Against Anti-Rights'

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