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We the Zimbabwe National Students Union here would like to make an unequivocal statement against the rampant human rights abuses which we experienced during the ZCTU demonstrations.

We condenm the callous attack on Lovemore Matombo ,the President of ZCTU,Ms Lucy Matibenga ,the Deputy President ,Ms Grace Kwinje,Mr Wellington Chibhebhe,the Secretary General and the enitre ZCTU membership that are currently illegally detained at Matapi police station whose holding cells were long declared unfit for human habitation but the monstrous regime of Robert Mugabe continues to keep people there,ILLEGALLY.

We are dissappointed to note that the government is prepared to kill people in order to silence their sombre cries from hunger and starvation emanating from meagre salaries that do not fullfil the poverty datum line requirement as enanciated by the world standards.

ZINASU would like to inform the nation that we stand firm on principle and in total support of the ZCTU protests which must go ahead and one day the people will triumph over evil and corrupt gluttonous rule of an illegitimate government of thugs and morons who have outlived their legitimacy and now bank on beating ,threatening and killing people in order to cling onto power.


ZINASU will go ahead with its protests as planned that were lightly jearpodised by the arrest of the entire ZINASU leadership last week in Harare and Mutare respectively for threatenening to support the ZCTU and carry on with our own academic freedoms campaign.


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