Welcome to the SAIH Conference 2025:
Universities as sites of resistance and social justice!
The world is going crazy, but giving up is not an option. Organizing is. Join us in reimagining the power of education as a tool for liberation.
Georg Sverdrups hus Aud. 1, Blindern, University of Oslo,
24th of April 2025
About the conference
In an era of escalating authoritarianism, widening inequalities, and persistent threats to academic freedom, the higher education community has the potential to be a vital force for global solidarity. But what can be done to resist current anti-democratic trends? What is the role of education in the fight for vibrant democracies and human rights? And how do we make our universities sites of active solidarity in this pivotal moment in history?
The SAIH Conference 2025 brings together scholars, students, policymakers, and activists to explore these urgent questions, in the intersection between academia and activism. We will examine the role of academia in defending democratic values, fostering international solidarity and shaping a more just and equitable future.
The conference is a collaboration between SAIH and the University of Oslo.
Sign up below!
Register for the conference
Deadline 17th April