Stories from our work
Solidarity with students and academics

SAIH works to protect the rights of students and academics to share knowledge and express their opinions, without fear of attacks.
Students and academics play a crucial role as agents of change in society. They foster a more critical and knowledge-based public debate and are often the first to react when a society veer away from democratic values. This makes them a threat to authoritarian regimes and many experience persecution as a result. Student activists are expelled, academics lose their jobs, and many faces violent attacks or imprisonment.
The freedom to express opinions or share research without government interference is at the core of academic freedom and a prerequisite for maintaining a viable democracy. Without academic freedom, nations lose one of the core pillars for a democratic society.
SAIH works to defend the rights of students and academics globally. We document and raise awareness of human rights violations, influence decision-makers nationally and internationally, and work to strengthen necessary protection mechanisms like Students at Risk and Scholars at Risk.
Stories from our work

Stories from our work
Student activists need lawyers
SAIH publishes reports annualy based on current topics we work with. Here you will find the latest relevant publications.
Activism Under Attack (2023)

Students by day, rebels by night (2021)