Stories from our work

SAIH started its work in Zambia with support to the Zambia National Education Coalition in 2013.
Over 60% of Zambians live below the international poverty line. Few pursue higher education, even when compared to neighboring countries. This is partly due to underfunding in the sector, impacting conditions and the quality of education for both students and staff. Additionally, higher education institutions in Zambia face challenges related to academic freedom, with limited emphasis on research and a constrained space for student activism.
With support from SAIH, our partners are working to make higher education more accessible and inclusive while strengthening the national student movement.
Stories from our work in Zambia

Our partners
Learn more about the organizations we work with in Zambia.

Zambia National Education Coalition - ZANEC
ZANEC is the only coalition of civil society organizations working for the right to quality education nationally in Zambia.

Zambian National Students` Union - ZANASU
ZANASU is the umbrella organization for all student unions in Zambia.
Our reports
SAIH publishes annual reports based on current topics we work with. Here you will find reports about Zambia.
Radi-Aid Research (2018)

Universities between the state and the market (2018)