Stories from our work

SAIH started its work in Zimbabwe with educational projects in the 1980s and has supported the student movement since 1999.
Following independence in 1980, the Zimbabwean government prioritized education, leading to the establishment of outstanding universities and a literate population. However, in the past few decades, the education sector, like the rest of society, has suffered under authoritarian leadership, economic crises, and corruption. Following Mugabe's fall in 2017, the Zanu-PF regime has consolidated its power, and the space for civil society, student activists, and academics has been steadily shrinking.
Today, the situation is serious, with limited space for opposition, civil society, and other critical voices.
SAIH supports nine organizations working towards a more accessible and inclusive higher education sector while advocating for students` rights and academic freedom.
Stories from our work in Zimbabwe

Our partners
Learn more about the organisations we work with in Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights - ZLHR
ZLHR is one of the most recognized human rights organizations in Zimbabwe.

Zimbabwe National Students Union - ZINASU
ZINASU is the largest student movement in Zimbabwe and advocates for academic freedom and students’ rights.

SAYWHAT works to ensure students' sexual and reproductive health and rights in Zimbabwe.

The Education Coalition of Zimbabwe - ECOZI
ECOZI unites civil society in the common pursuit of the right to education.

College Lecturers Association of Zimbabwe - COALZ
COLAZ is a union representing around lecturers all over Zimbabwe.

The Progressive Teachers Union of Zimbabwe - PTUZ
PTUZ was established in 1998 and is a trade union representing more than 20,000 teachers.

Youth Empowerment Transformation Trust - YETT
YETT is a network organization working to increase youth participation in Zimbabwe.

GALZ - An Association of LGBTI People in Zimbabwe
GALZ - An Association of LGBTI People in Zimbabwe works to enhance the rights of LGBTQIA+ individuals in a country with severe restrictions on homosexuality and gender diversity.

Sexual Rights Centre - SRC
SRC works to promote the rights of LGBTQIA+ people and sex workers.
Our reports
SAIH publishes annual reports based on current topics we work with. Here you will find reports about Zimbabwe.
Activism Under Attack (2023)

Un/knowing & un/doing sexuality & gender diversity (2020)